11 December 2017                                        Day 2 in Cape Town

We arrived at the Mission Office at 8:30 AM and began our training for the week. The mission office is in Observatory, so named for the national observatory that is just down the street. Which is only a couple of miles away from where our flat is located in Pinelands. Pinelands is an old settlement in the Cape that was founded around 1910 by mostly Dutch. There are still some historical houses with thatched roofs. (I'll send you a picture of one of them soon).

Elder Hansen is working with Elder Courtright to understand the management of the fleet of cars and 'flats' leased by the church to support the missionaries throughout the mission.
The mission is about the size of Texas. We are focused on the West Cape while another group of senior missionaries focuses on the East Cape. We have about 60 cars to maintain.

Sister Courtright is working with Sister Hansen to learn about the management of supplies and also the records management for referrals and baptisms.

We find ourselves waking up around 4 AM. So we get up and have some breakfast and continue to unpack. Hopefully our bodies will begin to shift a bit so we aren't waking up so early because by the time 5 PM comes around we're ready for bed.

The Hansen's took us out to dinner since we haven't been to the store yet to supply our flat. We had some wonderful fish called King Klip. Take a look at the salad, it was quite the artistic arrangement.


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