Cape Town Mission Field 

12 January 2018
Day 34

This morning we left for the Makro to pick up a fan for one of the pair of Elders that we would be meeting at the zone conference at the Bellville chapel. One interesting side note while shopping at Makro, I couldn't find dryer sheets anywhere. And when I asked for assistance I got "huh" looks from the store assistance. Either we are speaking a different terminology or they just don't use them here. One item for instance "bin liners" are "garbage bags".

We had a great meeting in the chapel with 31 Elders from the Cape Town North, South and Flats Zones. We discussed detailed principles from "Preach My Gospel" section 8, setting goals, making plans, and taking action.

We had a nice lunch then followed up with some more practical discussions. The Bellville chapel has been there a long time, you can tell by the architecture. But it is a large beautiful structure with a proud history. It even has it's own bore hole (well water) for emergency purposes. The table ware was unique too. Check out the Relief Society seal on the dinner ware.

During lunch Elder Courtright inspected the Elders cars in the church parking lot and later asked the Hermanus Elders to get a new set of tires put on there car. They travel through the mountain pass and travel a long distance to get to Cape Town and we want to ensure they are in safe hands. At the conclusion, the 3 Elders who are leaving for home this month gave their parting testimony.

PS On the way home the Lord really watched out for a motorcyclist that I nearly ran over. I wasn't paying attention and the light at the off ramp turned on me and the motorcyclist in the lead of the cross traffic jumped out quickly on his "green" light and when he saw me plowing through the intersection stopped and veered slightly away from me. I stomped on the brakes and veered left and as I went sideways into him I let up on the brake and steered hard right flipping the end around him as he sat watching his imminent demise. I know he will need a clean pair of underwear today. As we rolled slowly away I was shaken up and Sister Courtright suggested we pull off the road and say a prayer of thanks. It was a long prayer.

PSS This evening we came home and at 9:00 PM watched the funeral service for the Prophet (Thomas S. Monson) being broadcast from Salt Lake City at noon their time. It was a nice tribute.


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