Cape Town Mission Field 

13 February 2018
Day 66

Today started a bit frustrating when Elder Courtright went to pick up the Post and buy some power for the Mission Office his Bank of America credit card that he uses from the church was declined. He contacted Salt Lake and they are looking into why its limit is reduced.

Today was water delivery day. The truck showed up with the water and tanks from Johannesburg. The first thing that we realized right away was that nothing that big has been through the front gates in quite some time. 
The only thing I could find in the office was a hand axe that Elder Hansen purchased to remove some roots. One of the workers volunteered to go up and cut down 2 large limbs preventing us from getting through the gate.
Then it was amazing to watch the truck driver angle the truck through the gate with only an inch or so clearance on either side. He even had to air-lift the bed to clear the keypad box.

The truck was supposed to arrive on Monday so all the Elders could help us unload on their Personal Day (PDAY) off. But there was some mechanical problems with the compressor (which affects the air brakes) so it was delayed. That left me to work with the five of them to unload all the water and 4 large 5000 L tanks and 2 very large 10,000 L tanks. I was quite worn out at the end of it all.

When we left the office it was trying to rain. Yes, that's the sound of thunder! And eventually we did get some light rain. Woo hoo!


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