Cape Town Mission Field
18 February 2018
Day 71
This morning we were both very sore from yesterday's hike but rolled out of bed anyway to get down to Fish Hoek to visit the Elders (Morena from South Africa and Latu from Tonga) there and attend their Ward's Sacrament meeting service. We arrived a few minutes late because we were slowed down due to a foot race running along the coast through Muizenberg, Lovely, Fish Hoek and Simon's town. Then once we were free from the traffic we got lost. But eventually found our way there. It is nice to know that most of the gates use the same 4 digit pass code to allow us entry into the church parking lot. The pass code is based upon a significant date in early church history. The wifi pass code inside the church to download the latest Liahona (Ensign) is also the same throughout the world, apparently.
Afterwards we made our way to the Fish Hoek Elders apartment because they called yesterday with an issue with their power. The wall plugs were not working but the ceiling lights were. This meant no electricity to their refrigerator. Elder Courtright looked at the junction box as Elder Morena cycled through the breakers. He noticed the Earth Fault breaker was opened. Elder Morena tried cycling it the day before but he could not get it to close. He tried it again and it closed and the wall plugs came on. After looking around we noticed some moisture on the ceiling around the kitchen light. The Elders said that they believe it was coming from the bathroom above it. When we examined it Elder Morena commented that he had removed the white silicon caulking around the tub in preparation for replacing it because it was coming off and looking bad. It seems without the 'bad' caulk in place water had shorted some wires causing a "ground" fault or what they refer here to as an "earth" fault. Once the water had dried up a little the breaker was able to be reset. Elder Morena did say that the hand iron was also tripping the breaker so there's a chance that it may be bad and we suggested that the next time they are at the office Sister Courtright can provide them with a new one from the storage shed.
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