Cape Town Mission Field 

6 February 2018
Day 59

Today was a marathon day. Elder Courtright received word from the Area Vehicle Manager in Johannesburg that he needed to go to downtown Cape Town to the Greenpoint Traffic office to pay some outstanding fines/warrants on some fleet vehicles before he could proceed with some re-registration. These were speeding tickets (remember the camera's that are randomly set up on the side of the road to catch speeding cars) that had gone unattended. He needed to get this done today or a big mess would ensue trying to re-register the cars.
Sister Courtright realized that today is the Zone Leaders conference in the office with the President that requires a luncheon to be served.
So we scrambled to order pizza from Roman's at 10:15 and asked to have them ready by 11:30. They were gracious enough to agree. We went shopping at Pic-n-Pay for the salad items. Back to the office for Sister Courtright prepare everything. Brother Courtright off to pick up the pizza's. Return to the office and gather the documents that were emailed for the fines. Travel downtown, get lost, find a parking spot, get the warrant/fine documents, take them to the cashier, pay the fines, take the receipt upstairs to the warrant office, get them to clear the warrants using the receipt. All before they closed at 1:30. I finished at 1:20.
Back to the office, grab a bite of pizza, off the Post Office to pick up the mail. Sister Courtright packages all the post for delivery to the East Cape and elsewhere. Like forwarding some packages to the Madagascar elder that just returned to Madagascar. 
We worked on clearing up baptism records.
Leave the office at 9:30.

PS The traffic office for fines and warrants is on Gallows Hill Road. Kind of ominous isn't it.


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