Cape Town Mission Field 

11 April 2018
Day 123

Today was our senior couple's Skype meeting with the other senior couples on the East Cape. Then we broke for lunch. Sister Courtright prepared Taco Salad with Chicken Quesadilla's and guacamole.
We stopped at the clinic on the way home to get our last shot from the whole series we started prior to leaving on our mission. It was the third booster of the Hepatitis-B vaccine series. Glad those are all over. Oh wait, while we were there they asked if we wanted a flu shot. Since we had one six months ago we weren't sure. Neither were they. So we took it anyway. We'll let you know if anything weird happens.
Jackie also sent us some pictures and a video of the kids preparing to get into a silly string battle. The cans were covered up and the color of string will let the kids know if there new baby will be a boy or a girl. Since you can't see the string color very well in the video I'll tell you now that it was pink.
Gonna miss not being there for Charlie's (Charlotte's) birth.


  1. Oh, that is so cute. Tell Jackie congratulations! 💖


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