Cape Town Mission Field 

13 April 2018
Day 125

We said good-bye to Elder Hernandez as he completed his mission and headed home to Juarez, Mexico. He was held up in Johannesberg because they wouldn't let him fly into Atlanta without a visitors visa. Which is apparently a new travel restriction for Mexican citizens passing through the US. You have to have a visitors visa even if you're just passing through. 
It was a rather quiet day at the office today. Elder Courtright did some bush trimming to clear a parking area for the two spare vehicles we now have at the office. In the corner of the lot near the parking area there were 3 or 4 Egyptian Geese playing "King of the Pine Tree". They were honking at each other as a new one would fly in and try to take position on the limb where another was sitting. It was all very strange as I've never seen geese hang out in trees before. There was also a rather large garden spider with its web stretched between some of the bushes where they were being trimmed. Interesting coloration.


  1. Oh my!, that spider looks menacing 😟. That is interesting about the geese, never seen them in trees before.


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