Cape Town Mission Field 

9 April 2018
Day 121

Monday seemed like a blur. Not sure what we accomplished, I just know we worked late and did some food shopping early in the morning at the Cape Town Green Market after dropping off one of the missionary cars at at the repair station near our boarding. The food is for Tuesday's MLC (Missionary Leadership Council) meeting. Sister Courtright is going to make sloppy Joe's for everyone at the office tomorrow. This evening we put together a broccoli salad, potato salad and cooked up the sloppy Joe meet.
Monday's see a lot of elders come and go through the office because it is their P-Day (Personal Day) to take care of personal business. Elder Milne was practicing his roping with Elder Hernandez (who is leaving off his mission on Thursday).


  1. Wow, that is some good lassooing, and a great picture.


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