Cape Town Mission Field 

12 May 2018
Day 154

This morning we stopped at the Methodist Church to support their annual bazaar. We enjoyed pannekoek (crepe), rice and curry, and mince with veggies in a bun, bacon and egg in a croissant, and a boerewors* (beef) sausage in a bun with mustard. Sister Courtright found some garage sale items for office decorations. She also found a pair a clip on earrings with tiger eye stone, she's wearing them in the picture. We then did some grocery shopping came home and baked up some granola to replace the Hansen's granola they left behind. It is good stuff. Below is the recipe.
We stopped back at the office to pick up some items for Sunday and I noticed some white things out on the lot. They were mushrooms. They were growing in a perfect circle surrounding a green spot. Weird.

Boerewors raw.jpg
Raw boerewors
Place of originSouth AfricaZimbabwe
Main ingredientsMinced meat
 Cookbook: Boerewors   Media: Boerewors
*Boerewors ([ˈbuːrəvors]) a type of sausage which originated in South Africa, is an important part of South African cuisine and is popular across Southern Africa. The name is derived from the Afrikaans/Dutch words boer("farmer") and wors ("sausage"). Boerewors must contain at least 90 percent meat, and always contain beef, as well as lamb, pork, or a mixture of lamb and pork. The other 10% is made up of spices and other ingredients. Not more than 30% of the meat content may be fat. Boerewors may not contain any "mechanically recovered" meat (meat derived through a process where meat and bone are mechanically separated).

Hansen's Favorite Granola
makes about one gallon
Bake at 375 (this may need to be lowered at your flat)

dry mix
10 cups rolled oats (quick or reg or mixed)
1 cup flour (any kind)
2 Tbs cinnamon
1 Tbs salt
1 Tbs ginger (or to taste)
1 tsp nutmeg

wet mix
1 1/2 cup extra light virgin olive oil (or your choice of mild oil)
2 cups honey (I often add about 1/2 cup molasses too)
2 Tbs vanilla extract or powder

Nuts-seeds-fruit mix
1 or 2 cups each--of your favorite chopped nuts, seeds, raisins, coconut, etc 
Do NOT add nut/fruit mix to oat mix until AFTER it's all baked to a golden brown

1. mix dry ingredients together in a very large bowl--blend well
2. mix wet ingredients together in another container (I use a large measuring container--oil first, then honey and molasses and last vanilla)
3. mix nut/fruit mix together in another container--set aside until after oat mix is baked
4. Stir wet mix until blended then pour immediately into dry mix and stir well until all dry mix is coated
5. Spread oat mix evenly about 1/2 inch thick on an ungreased cookie sheet (this large recipe needs about 4 cookie sheets--I rotate between 2)
6. Bake at 375 degrees for about 12 minutes--remove from oven and stir--return to oven for about 10 minutes and golden brown
7. Remove golden brown granola from oven and scrape immediately into a very large stainless steel bowl to cool. Repeat baking until all oat mix is baked.
8. Once oat mix is baked and cooled, add nut/fruit mix and blend well. It's ready to eat! 
9. Store air tight in freezer until ready to use for longer freshness--unless you eat granola a lot.

Note: I found the oven at your flat cooks really hot and fast. Things burn easily. I tried reducing the temperature to 350 and that seemed to help. Or reduce the time but the oat mix must be stirred well to avoid burning. This is our favorite granola recipe--it's really simple too. Play with the spices and fruit mix-- put in your favorite mixtures, Enjoy.
Take care and know your are in our thoughts and prayers often.
Shine on...
Sister Hansen


  1. What a fantastic day you had. Don't you just love bazaars, you never know what goodies you'll find. The granola recipe looks great. I would just have to cut it down a wee bit 😉. Those mushrooms do look interesting, maybe that is the outline of an old tree trunk.


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