Cape Town Mission Field 

14 May 2018
Day 156

Today was Elder Mushipi's birthday so we brought in a cake that we picked up and had some in the office.

This evening we went to a Home Evening group at Sister Betty's house in Langa. There were six sisters and myself. All all are of the senior type. We studied next week's Sunday School lesson. Afterwards Sister Betty served Rooiboos tea with biscuits. One of the children that lives with Sister Betty (the daughter of a lady that lives with Sister Betty) was singing songs for Sister Courtright before we started. She sand Itsy Bitsy Spider and several other songs we knew. Sister Courtright taught her Once there was a Snowman, and Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree.


  1. How fun, teaching songs to the children. They probably love singing and learning new songs.


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