Cape Town Mission Field 

    24 May 2018
    Day 166

It seems there's always something new you learn everyday while on mission. Today Elder Courtright learned that many of the emails that Sister Bell (on the East Cape) was sending to him were never being seen because they were being sent to the 2011891-vc email address that he has never heard of. Apparently, Sister Bell was instructed by Elder Hansen to send vehicle related information to the -vc email address, but the only address Elder Courtright is familiar with is the -hse (housing) email address. So that mystery is solved. He just needs to connect with someone in IT to figure out how to open up the -vc email to find out how much information is out there that he has been missing out on.

Elder Courtright pulled a Hibiscus flower off the bush in the town square in Pinelands after stopping at the Quick Spar market to buy some electricity for 2 boardings and the Mission Office. It matched Sister Courtright's clothing nicely.

The President stopped by just as we were about to leave, which is concluding his past three weeks of whirlwind mission tour, training, and elder interviews on the East and West Cape. He commented that one of the scriptures that he is coming to really appreciate and realize the wisdom in and provides hope is very short and simple..."And this too shall come to pass."


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