Cape Town Mission Field
13 June 2018
Day 186
Today we prepared a luncheon for on-going MLC meetings at the Mowbray chapel. We stayed up late last night and prepared Sloppy Joe mix in the crock pot. We stopped at the bakery up the street for rolls and dessert before going to the office. We met Esther Kintu at the chapel. She brought the potato salad. We also served cut up fruit with Vanilla Custard. The Vanilla Custard comes in a carton and is a very popular topper for cakes and fruit in South Africa. It's a mild pudding like substance only a bit thinner.
Elder Sibiya loved the Sloppy Joe's at our last MLC meeting and made a special request for it today.
After which we returned to the office to unload the truck and take care of some outstanding emails and paperwork. We then went to the store to pick up some food items so the Assistants could cook for the Zone leaders that are staying with them tonight. They're having chicken curry.
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