Cape Town Mission Field
5 June 2018
Day 178
Today we picked up the Post then stopped for boarding supplies and some fruit for the those being transferred this week. Sister Courtright provides breakfast for those coming and going. They eat at the Assistants boarding and she just provides the food the night before. She also arranges dinner for the new arrivals in the evening. Elder Courtright is trying to catch up on vehicle service records and arranging for some new leases for boarding replacements in Uitenage, in the East Cape and in Milnerton, in Cape Town.
While putting away the supplies in the shed Elder Courtright noticed how the moss is beginning to fill in pockets between the pavers in the parking area because of the rain we've been getting along with the cooler weather. Check out the photo.
This afternoon we briefed the new elders on their passports, financial items, English Learning Language program, vehicle and housing maintenance and safety. The three new elders are from Draper, Utah, Australia, and Bloomfontein, South Africa.
It was unfortunate that just prior to Elder Courtright's briefing President Lebethoa came into his office and informed him that the Zwide Elders just had their car hi-jacked at gun point. Both elders are fine and after contacting BidTrack, the car tracking agency, they sent their recovery team and tracked the vehicle with their on-board tracker and found the vehicle within about 45 minutes.
Wow, so sorry to hear about the elders getting hijacked. Thank the Lord that they are okay.