Cape Town Mission Field
12 July 2018
Day 215
Today we took the Bell's and the Blaser's on a quick trip to the Cape of Good Hope. We stopped at the Fish Hoek boarding to show the Blaser's how to run a boarding inspection. Elder and Sister Bell was so happy to be able to harass Elder Shaw who they new well from Queenstown. They had a lot of fun at his expense reminding him of the time they got a phone call asking for their help because Elder Shaw was locked in the bathroom and he didn't want to spend the night in the cold bathtub.
It was cold, rainy, and windy so we didn't spend much time on our feet. Mostly just enjoying the drive. We stopped at Simon's town to see the penguins, we briefly stopped at the Cape of Good Hope at the light house and along the shore. We saw ostrich, eland, and baboons along the roadside. And the Fynbos was in bloom because of all the rain we've been getting. It was really beautiful.
Wow, what beautiful flowers and scenery.