Cape Town Mission Field 

    27 July 2018
    Day 230

Today we left work a little early to visit with the El Greeyo caterers. We stopped at their restaurant where Tania helped Sister Courtright come up with a menu for our next conference. Their 9 year old daughter Daniella was there and she was having great time looking at funny stories on the internet then looking up amazing things you can do with a hot glue gun. We finally left as they closed the restaurant and sent us on our way with some of their delicious quiche. We drove down to the V&A Waterfront and watched the full moon come up on the horizon then we viewed it through telescopes that the amateur and professional astronomers set up to view the eclipse. We waited until about 8:30 pm just as the eclipse started then left for home. We could also visibly see 5 planets lined up in an arc across the sky; Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn and Venus. Once we arrived back at the flat we watched as it finished the full cover up of the moon at around 9:30. We relaxed for a while then saw it again around 11:30 just as it was starting to uncover itself. The whole idea is amazing that we saw a total eclipse of the sun in Idaho and less than a year later we see the total eclipse of the moon in South Africa. How cool is that. 


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