Cape Town Mission Field 

    24 August 2018
    Day 258

Today we took a day off from the office in order to catch the flowers at the West Coast Nature Reserve (Postberg). There is only a few short weeks in between August and September when the Spring flowers come out. And that section of the park is only open for those few weeks a year. It turned out that today was finally a sunny beautiful day. So it was perfect to see the flowers. We booked the weekend at the Duinepos Chalets that are located on the reserve. The gates lock up at 6:00 pm so there's no escaping. We had planned on going in to Langebaan for dinner, but instead we had to eat our tuna sandwiches we brought for lunches. We did arrive in time for lunch at the one restaurant at Gelbek, not too far from the Chalets. We had a nice braai (barbecue) lunch on the patio and watched the Cape Weaver birds making their nests in the trees. We also had a couple of them join us on our table. We drove to Postberg after lunch and had a wonderful experience seeing the fields full of flowers. In one large field we saw Zebra, Ostrich, and Eland. There were some white Cattle Egret birds poking around in the fields and we saw one catch a scorpion. We drove to the end where there's an overlook to the City of Langebaan on the other side of the bay, then on the way back we took one leg of the road that was simply ablaze with color around every bend. There were white flowers, then there were fields of purple, then fields of yellow, the fields of mixed colors. We were just giddy with excitement to see the wonderful colors that God has given a chance to see. We returned to the chalet to check in and start a fire to warm things up. We played Skipbo and Yathze and had a wonderful evening. Our daughter Jackie is having a baby today and we don't have any internet and the cell phone coverage is sparse. We run outside and found a spot behind the car that has a bar or two and send emails to her hoping for more information. Alas, no news and it's getting cold running back and forth so we went to bed hoping for good news in the morning.


  1. Wow and wow. What phenomenal flower pictures. I would have been in seventh heaven. So glad you got to see it. I was jealous looking at the beautiful flowers.


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