Cape Town Mission Field 

    17 October 2018
    Day 312

Today is Sister Courtright's busy day what with the orders she fills and the zone leaders come in to pick them up then she has to prepare the out-going mail for pick-up in the afternoon. Elder Courtright worked on cleaning up the shed. Gerald Shaw from the facilities group showed up to look at the palm tree that is pulling on the wires coming into the building. He offered to take a futon like couch we had in the shed that doesn't have any legs. He is going to offer it to a member that has little possessions, except his food storage. Gerald borrowed the trailer to deliver it to him. This helped clean out the shed even more. We put several smaller items in the back of the Ranger to take to the garage.
We left work around 4:30 in order to go home and put on some running clothes and head to the Pineland's Athletic club. We met Daniel there who introduced us to Marsha. She worked with about 12 of us on a 5 km run/walk introductory event. She helped us with form, breathing, style and led us around several loops in the subdivision. We did some combined running (slow jog for us) and fast walking. This took about an hour to complete but we felt good afterwards. Tomorrow night is the clubs weekly time trials. They run a 2.5 and 5 km time trial. We are going to give it a try.


  1. Wow, good for you guys. Bob and I have been walking about 2 months now. I have a route that is about 2.5 miles and I do it 3 times a week. I love walking.


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