Cape Town Mission Field
4 October 2018
Day 299
This morning was a bit chaotic. Sister Courtright received some sandwiches from El Greeyo. Both Daniel and Kenya and Danielle stopped by the office with the sandwiches. Sister Courtright gave them a tour of the office. Sister Courtright loaded up the sandwiches in the Elders sack lunches that they would take with them to the airport. Elder Courtright took the elders to the airport and saw them off. But first dropped Sister Courtright off at their boarding to meet with the appliance repair man to take a look at our washing machine that quit working. Then we went back to the office to meet with the President and the Hamilton's to review next weeks transfers. Afterwards, Elder Courtright reserved a van for next week and Sister Courtright began pulling supplies from the shed for the new boarding in Capri.We filled up the Ranger pick-up truck with supplies and drove down to Capri and met Sister Forsyth who helped us move the supplies into the boarding and gave us the keys to the boarding. Elder Courtright found a native locust. It was huge and beautiful in color. We made our way back to the office to grab a few things then made our way back home. Another late night.
That is a fantastic insect. I love the colors.