Cape Town Mission Field
7 October 2018
Day 302
We were a bit tired in church today because we stayed up until midnight to watch the Saturday afternoon session of conference. It was worth it though. We had a wonderful lesson from Isaiah and the many wonderful gifts from the Savior! Elder Courtright had a renewed outlook on all the frustrations of our daily life trying to keep up the vehicles, boarding's, caterer's, records, etc. etc. etc. It came from a talk from Joy Jones, Primary General President, who spoke in conference (she also spoke to us at the MTC in Provo, Utah almost a year ago). She reminded us that all we do is for Him, not for the elders, the mission president, or anyone else. That really hit home. Because if we realize we are doing all this for His glory all of the frustrations disappear.
We watched the women's conference then the other two sessions of conference and was able to call our daughter Jackie in between sessions to catch up with her. Another late night, but worth it.
Thanks for the encouraging words. It was a good reminder to me as I'm volunteering at the orphanage.