Cape Town Mission Field 

    12 November 2018
    Day 338

If our calculations are correct today is our half-way mark through our mission. Can you believe it! Time is flying by. I guess when you're so busy putting in 12 hour days things do go by quickly.

We stopped at the bakery up the street from our flat before going into work to pick-up a cake for Elder Opolot as part of his Birthday celebration. Sister Courtright gave away some pass-along cards to three ladies and is going to go back to give one of them a Book of Mormon. Elder Courtright went next door and bought a used bike for the Fish Hoek elders who we will be visiting this Thursday. It was a sturdy bigger frame bike that can hold-up Elder Farer who weighs in around 250 pounds. He used to wrestle heavy weight class in high school.

We also received a photo from Elder Lopes who is in George. We asked him to send a photo of the fire that was burning on the mountain behind their boarding when we visited them last week. It came within a mile of their boarding, which is near the edge of town. They spent that night at the Knysna boarding because the smoke was too thick to tolerate and you can never plan on what the wind and fire might do.


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