Cape Town Mission Field 

    18 November 2018
 Day 344

Happy 1 Year Anniversary Stephanie and Jim!

We had a wonderful sacrament and Sunday school and Relief Society and Priesthood meeting today at church. Many spoke about their feelings and impressions from last Sunday's Stake Conference with Elder Anderson.
The priesthood lesson focused on being "the light". Brother Sikori gave an inspiring message about stepping up and getting involved. He shared some personal experiences that seemed rather bold when stopping some teenagers during a knife fight and stopping some young kids from throwing rocks at passing cars. He felt that doing nothing allows evil to prevail and he never felt he was in harms way. There was always a sense of purpose and love and protection that allowed him to help correct these peoples ways.
We enjoyed speaking to all our children this week. Our daughter Stephanie is celebration her one year anniversary! We are so happy for her and Jim. We saw some fun videos of Jackie and Jake's kids and even Charlotte giggling for the camera. We found out that Gerri's step mother has stage 4 lung cancer and they have brought her into their home and set up a make shift bedroom in their dining room area for her as Gerri is providing care and comfort for her at this tender time. We will pray for their strength and peace.


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