Cape Town Mission Field
11 December 2018
Day 367
Happy Birthday to our Grandson Cody! 17 today if our calculations are correct.
Today we did our usual Post Office stop and run to Makro to pick up missionary supplies. When we got back to the office we noticed the pair of Egyptian Geese had 2 babies following them around the yard.
Elder Lategan's father from Johannesburg was in town on business so he stopped at the office to deliver some Christmas packages for his son. We took a photo of him with Elder Lare and Elder Niutupuivaha (who served with Elder Lategan in the East Cape). He said him and his wife will see us next August when they come to pick up their son for a drive back home along the East Cape Coastline.
While Sister Courtright was doing some organizing in the back room she was startled by something that ran down the wall. Elder Courtright found it in the corner. It was a leopard colored gecko that must've come through the window that was opened to help dry out the carpets that were shampooed over the weekend.
Once we got back home our dear neighbor Shirley stopped by to deliver us some of her Christmas cake (fruit cake). She sat and visited awhile and her cat followed her in and we got to play with her a bit before they left. We really miss Luna, our cat, and this was a good experience for us.
Awww, I loved the gecko and the geese, the cat was nice too.