Cape Town Mission Field 

    20 January 2019
   Day 407

This morning we picked up the Langa 1st Elders and dropped them off in Langa on our way to church. We had a wonderful service and Sunday School. We left for the airport to pick up Elder and Sister Sitati, counselor in the Area Presidency. He was called as a General Authority Seventy 10 years ago in 2009. Prior to this calling he was living in Salt Lake for the previous 5 years working in various callings in the church. He's originally from Kenya and was introduced to the church around 1985 when he went to visit a friend and there was a Senior Couple (The Howard's) that were there. They invited the Sitati's to church and the rest is history. They began by meeting in small groups of 9, the maximum number of people that could meet without legal approval from the government. Eventually he was called to be their District Leader and later the first Stake President in Kenya. There family was the first to be sealed in the Johannesburg temple from Kenya. He was also the first black general authority called from Africa and the second authority called with African decent. They were a sweet unassuming couple and we were blessed to have met them today. He is going to go proselyting with Elder Lawer from Meadowridge later today. What a special treat for Elder Lawer. We will be serving the zone leaders dinner at the office this afternoon. They are all coming in today for an MLC meeting scheduled for tomorrow.
Elder Joseph Sitati


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