Cape Town Mission Field 

    21 January 2019
   Day 408

Today was our MLC day where all the zone leaders meet to be instructed by President and Sister Lebethoa. However, they had the special treat of being taught by Elder and Sister Sitati too. We worked in the office until around 10:30 then went to the Mowbray chapel to help setup for their lunch. Sister Courtright arranged for Delish (Karin) to prepare a mango chicken curry dish. It was a big hit. We gathered back to the office then ran out to pick up some sandwiches for the elders sack lunches tomorrow when they travel back to the East Cape. We dropped them off as Karin was arriving with dinner for the zone leaders at the office. We went to the Cattle Baron and had a nice dinner with the Hamilton's, the Lebethoa's and the Sitati's. It was a nice evening and we shared some nice stories with each other. At home this evening we settled down and made some more slushies and Elder Courtright noticed another stalagmite in the white ice cube tray. Upon closer inspection it looked hollow. Then he noticed air bubbles in some of the adjoining ice cubes. Maybe the trapped air begins to work it's way out during the freezing process creating a stalagmite. Hey, it's a theory.


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