Cape Town Mission Field 

    12 February 2019
    Day 430

Today was the day our new elders arrive from the Johannesburg MTC. It was an unusual receipt because of the 11 elders only three were not from Africa. One was from Tonga, one from "Stalia", and the other from St. George. We received two Elder Vetters. First initial L and R. So we figured we had a left and a right Vetter. They are cousins from Johannesburg. One of the other elders that arrived with them is a second cousin. We also got an Elder De Beer. Kind of rings up thoughts of the diamond mines in the central part of South Africa. Turns out he is not related. We took them to Signal Hill and back to the office for training then out to dinner at the River Club. 

Signal Hill burnt last week

Baby on Board (surfboard that is)


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