Cape Town Mission Field 

    22 February 2019
    Day 440

Today was a typical day at the office. Elder Courtright was busy trying to get some leases renewed and submitted to Johannesburg but it seems there was always something they kept throwing back at us to do. He was also struggling with the cell phone situation trying to get another line released for the new companionship in King Williams Town. He was able to determine from talking directly with Vodacom (Mike) that the lines he requested to be deleted last July were still active. So all this time he could have just did a SIM SWAP to get another line for the elders. Sometimes the work can be very frustrating. We just keep reminding ourselves that the work we do is "for Him" and that it's not our work and that help remove the frustration and stress. We came home and went over some things that we could do to improve our relationship to help us get through stressful times and we came up with a plan that we worked out on our little whiteboard.


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