Cape Town Mission Field
24 February 2019
Day 442
We left early for church (8:00 am) to meet anyone that is interested in studying music. No one showed up at the time arranged so we went over to "old man Musheshe's" house to invite his wife to church. She said she would come next week but wasn't ready to come this morning. We gave the old man a ride to church. We had some good meeting's and stayed after the second branch to have a discussion about an upcoming "couple's conference". We got home around 4:30 pm. The president stopped by around 5:00 pm and we talked until just before 8:00 pm. He gave Sister Courtright a blessing before leaving.
Shirley stopped by with Anthony, who is the son-in-law to the owner's of our flat. He is visiting from the UK and wanted to meet us. We chatted for a little bit but Sister Courtright began to fall asleep so they decided to leave us so she could get some sleep.
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