Cape Town Mission Field 

 14 April 2019
  Day 491

We had breakfast with the Beal's at the B&B then headed to church. At church we watched the Sunday sessions of conference. Sister Courtright was so excited to see 2 people show up to church that she invited on Friday and Saturday; Tracy and Denise. They were both really refreshed to feel so welcomed at church and hear the messages from the speakers at conference. When Denise left the chapel she said she felt lifted and so happy; more so than she has felt in a long time. We also met the Adams again. We reminisced about the time we were in their shanty and Elder Bullman sang "Bring Him Home" to us. 
We took the elders to the Pilarsdorp township and drove them to an area where they wanted to tract out. We all got out of the truck and met a lady and man walking by and asked if they needed some bed sheets that we had extra. They graciously accepted them and showed us to a lady up the street that could use some too. We met her, Elizabeth, and talked to her about the church and her mother and neighbors. We also talked to her son and they all asked the elders to come back on Wednesday to talk about the restoration. We talked to their neighbors across the street and they also agreed to come over on Wednesday to listen to the elders. We dropped the elders off at their next appointment and went to see the foundation of the new church that is being built by the Garden Route Mall. We then went to Wu's Chinese to talk to Denise. We had a great discussion for about an hour. She is really excited about coming again next week. We then got a call from the missionaries asking if we wanted to join them at the Branch President's home for dinner, the Van Riemann's. We joined them with the other set of missionaries along with the West's. We had a wonderful dinner that Justine put together. Brother Van Riemann also had a cold stone and made us all custom ice cream with toppings. That was delicious. All in all it was a great sabbath.
The Adams
New George Chapel walls going up

Dinner at the Van Riemann's
Cold Stone ice cream


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