Cape Town Mission Field 

  15 June 2019
  Day 553

This morning we stopped at the garage to pick up a chair that goes with the table we collected from the Elsie's River boarding. We are taking it to the Mandalay elders so they can have a table and chairs for eating at. Their boarding is now complete except we asked the landlord to paint. Because we noticed a lot of marks on the walls and general grime from the previous tenant. Especially in the upstairs landing and coming down the stairs. We were surprised to find they paint just those areas. And only about shoulder level all the way down the stairs on the wall the gets the hand prints. 
We had a good visit with the Mfuleni elders and Somerset West elders. They are doing a great job in keeping their boarding's clean. We then ran out to the Hermanus elders. Sister Courtright helped them sort out how to clean the bedding, especially for bugs like fleas or bed bugs because they were complaining of bites. We only found some teeny tiny spiders. Too small to cause any harm. But we gave them a fogger can so they could spray the place while at church tomorrow. In the meantime she showed them how to vacuum the little fellows up after Elder Courtright showed them how to clean out a plugged vacuum head. It was full of hair and fiber. She also showed them how to defrost the freezer.
We stopped for some Kentucky Fried Chicken then darted back to Cape Town just in time to pick up the Stevenson's arriving from East London. We took them to Mick's to drop off their luggage then picked up the Firth's and took everyone to the V&A Waterfront and did some shopping then got a bite to eat. We dropped everyone off around 9:00 pm then went back to our flat to clean it up. 
About 10:25 we realized we should be at the airport picking up the Zenger's who are arriving from Salt Lake via Amsterdam. We arrived just as they were heading to the pickup zone and we passed them. We called Sister Firth who said they just called and told us where they were waiting. We found them and took them to the Links for the evening and we will pick them up tomorrow for church around 10:30 am to give them some time to sleep in and get adjusted.
We were in bed by 11:30, another full day!

Elder Petalama is from Tuvalu, about 2 hour flight from Fiji. He said scientists predict their island will be under water in about 50 years.

Elder Stevenson joked that the building behind him over his right shoulder looked like the St. George temple, which it did. So we got a picture of them in from of the temples of South Africa. :)


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