Cape Town Mission Field
20 June 2019
Day 558
Elder Courtright replaced an overhead florescent light in the Langa 1 Elders boarding after dropping Sister Courtright off at the office. He finished around 10:30. We then spent the day working on the Crest Newsletter with help from the assistants and working on baptisms and new leases we are trying open up in Wellington and Stellenbosch. We enjoyed pizza that the Firth's picked up because we had Pearl (from Johannesburg) helping Sister Firth with her travel coordinator assignments. She also spent some time with Elder Firth helping train him on some tips for his job too. We also had some workers show up to paint the interior of the supply shed along with the new shelves that were installed awhile ago.
We then had a video conference call with the area manager for technology. They informed us that our mission has been selected along with 3 other missions in all of Africa to receive Smart phones as another tool to help our proselyting efforts. It seems like an exciting opportunity for the elders to increase their contact time with those they are teaching and fellow-shipping. These means that Elder Courtright has to convert 60 phones to a Smart phone plan. This will require downloading special management software that monitors and tracks and limits the types of applications and sites the elders can access. There is also another software reporting application that allows reports to be sent to the Mission President giving status for each elder as to their use and sites visited. This will all roll out within the next 2 - 4 weeks.
The president also informed us that the Grippen Fighters we've seen flying around for the past couple of days are for a show of force for the State of the Union address that is taking place in Cape Town at the Parliament building tonight.
The president also informed us that the Grippen Fighters we've seen flying around for the past couple of days are for a show of force for the State of the Union address that is taking place in Cape Town at the Parliament building tonight.
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