Cape Town Mission Field 

  26 June 2019
  Day 564

We spent the day at the office setting up the post deliveries to the East Cape, but Sister Courtright was feeling very bad from the medication she took. Her sugar levels were very high. So we helped her package up the post to the East Cape then she drove herself home and went to bed. We were supposed to pick up the Blaser's at the airport around 4:00 PM but they got distracted visiting with the Hodges at the airport and when they showed up at the gate they told them that the gate was closed and that they would not be allowed to board, even though there were still people getting onto the plane. They even pulled off their luggage. Sister Firth arranged for them to catch the morning flight. So they went to the Stevenson's boarding, which was now empty, and spent the night there. The Hodges arranged for taxi to pick them up and take them to the airport in the morning. Elder Courtright finished up some work at the office then had the Firth's drop him off at home when they left for the evening. Sister Courtright was slowly recovering but still not feeling very good so we called it an early evening and retired early.


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