Cape Town Mission Field 

  22 July 2019
  Day 590

Today we stopped at the Post Office then spent the day at the office. Elder Courtright went to the doctors in the morning because his head/chest cold was just not going away. It would seem fine for a day or two so he decided not to go into the doctors, then it would revert back to a terrible cough and runny nose. So finally he decided it wasn't going away on its own. The doctor said it hadn't migrated into his lungs so she put him on a mild antibiotic to clear up the upper-respiratory infection and added a couple of other goodies to dry him up and open up the airways. NAC was prescribed which seems to have a lot of interesting qualities.
Sister Courtright off-loaded all her setup materials for tomorrow's zone conference to Sister Firth who said she would get everything set up for tomorrow. She also was preparing the boarding supplies and managing some packages that arrived in poor condition.
We left early and headed for Food Lovers market to pick up some fruit for tomorrow's zone conference. We dropped that off at the office then headed home to veg-out for the rest of the day and take tomorrow off. Doctor's orders.


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