Cape Town Mission Field 

 10 August 2019
  Day 608

Today we went shopping at the Canal Walk mall for dishes for the office. Sister Courtright has been looking for a long time and she finally found some she liked that were on sale. We also stopped for haircuts then dropped these items off at the office. We went home and had the Firth's pick us up and we went to Camps Bay for dinner at the Codfather. You select the fish you want from their display case then they prepare it for you. We had Crawfish from Mozambique and Queen Prawns from Brazil. Afterwards we walked down to the beach then over to the Theater on the Bay and enjoyed a show with performers that paid tribute to Simon and Garfunkel. It was a great evening. We can't believe how amazing these two were as songwriters. There music is very moving. Elder Courtright recall's listening to them as a kid and young people today are still amazed by their music. One time Elder Courtright was babysitting when he was about 14 or 15 and recalls finding their album and listening over and over to "The Sounds of Silence" which really struck a cord with him. Then when Bridge Over Troubled Water came out a couple years later it was a sensational album winning a Grammy Awards for the Best Album of the Year.


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