Cape Town Mission Field 

 11 August 2019
  Day 609

Sister Courtright had a rough night and had to stay home and get some sleep. Elder Courtright spoke in church then went over to Ron and Esther's for lunch. They talked with the french speaking student that has been reading some pamphlets from the church in French. We had a great discussion and meal. We relaxed at home for the evening after calling all the kids and catching up with them. We only got hold of Jackie and Kerry.

Elder Bramdeo gave a wonderful story to coincide with our discussion at church regarding how to be receptive to the spirit. It goes as follows:
A young Indian boy was climbing up over a mountain and came across a cobra that was stuck on a ledge. The snake pleaded for the young boy to take him down the mountain so he could get something to eat. The young boy said "No, you are a snake and will bite me!". The snake replied "No I won't. I promise I will not bite you if you just take me down the mountain to get something to eat because I'm very hungry." This conversation went around and around both sharing their concerns and trying to convince the other that all will be okay. Finally the young boy relented and picked up the snake and put it on his shoulder and took him down the mountain. When they reached the bottom the young Indian boy placed the cobra on the ground and the snake immediately bit him on the hand. The boy was shocked and surprised and exclaimed that "You promised you wouldn't bite me!" The snake casually replied; "You knew I was a snake when you picked me up." The moral of the story was that Satin is Satin and he isn't going to change and you need to be firm and strong in your commitment to resist temptation and rely on the spirit to guide and direct you away from harm.


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