Cape Town Mission Field
20 September 2019
Day 649
Today was an all day effort on the computers at work. We are dealing with updates to the new phones, lease deposit recovery, and trying to straighten up the storage room. We received a picture of the Port Elizabeth zone elders getting their new Smartphones. They were very excited. Sister Courtright is deep into updating documents, order forms, etc. on Google Docs in order for the elders to send them to her real-time. We've already begun to receive invoices and baptism forms via the elders phone using their camera and sending them to our email or Whatsapp account. Things are really going to change now that we are deploying the Smartphones across the mission.
Elder Courtright was talking to Elder Burk about how to handle and incident report. Elder Burk related that he had just heard about an incident a day or two after it happened and was helping the elders get it submitted. These elders had just arrived last week after transfers and dropped their belongings off at their boarding then headed to the other elders boarding in the area and as they were walking a man approached them from behind and pointed a gun at them and asked them for their phone. Once he saw it was a cheap "dumb" phone he got agitated and told them to empty their pockets. Elder Murphy had a R50 note which he took from him. As he was about to walk away Elder Senikuriciri took off his name tag and held it up for him to see and asked him if he knew who they were. Once he read the name tag he became very apologetic and tried to give the money back to the elders explaining that his wife just lost a daughter and that he was "fed up with life". The elders told him to keep the money but to not use the gun anymore and especially to not confront elders anymore. They departed ways without any other incident.
Elder Courtright was talking to Elder Burk about how to handle and incident report. Elder Burk related that he had just heard about an incident a day or two after it happened and was helping the elders get it submitted. These elders had just arrived last week after transfers and dropped their belongings off at their boarding then headed to the other elders boarding in the area and as they were walking a man approached them from behind and pointed a gun at them and asked them for their phone. Once he saw it was a cheap "dumb" phone he got agitated and told them to empty their pockets. Elder Murphy had a R50 note which he took from him. As he was about to walk away Elder Senikuriciri took off his name tag and held it up for him to see and asked him if he knew who they were. Once he read the name tag he became very apologetic and tried to give the money back to the elders explaining that his wife just lost a daughter and that he was "fed up with life". The elders told him to keep the money but to not use the gun anymore and especially to not confront elders anymore. They departed ways without any other incident.
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